At last after wide consultation of various parties of stack holders in Andhra Pradesh and across nation the UPA led Govt had decided to separate the telangana and seemandhara as the 29 th state of repulic of India.
UPA parties and the cabit and congress higher body CWC are voted infavour of Separate Telanga with 10 districts and 13 districts for rest of AP . Hyderabad will be the capital of both states for atleast 10 years to develop infrastructure in seemandhara . Atony committe has been appointed to get the views of the seemandhra about the bifurcation of andhra and telangana. mean while the seemandhara MLA's & MP's are started a new drama to stop the separation by ordering agitation in the seemandhra region. The agitation running continuously for the last 8 days .yesterday the AP CM Kiran kumar Reddy made a press meet . In his press meet he blamed the telangana separation and similarly he quoted that telangana will suffer with severe problems like lack of electricity , water, and for revenue. To day TRS President and post telangana agitation navigator is given reply answers for his questions with complete explanation and figure how the telangana will survive in telangana after separation/.
UPA parties and the cabit and congress higher body CWC are voted infavour of Separate Telanga with 10 districts and 13 districts for rest of AP . Hyderabad will be the capital of both states for atleast 10 years to develop infrastructure in seemandhara . Atony committe has been appointed to get the views of the seemandhra about the bifurcation of andhra and telangana. mean while the seemandhara MLA's & MP's are started a new drama to stop the separation by ordering agitation in the seemandhra region. The agitation running continuously for the last 8 days .yesterday the AP CM Kiran kumar Reddy made a press meet . In his press meet he blamed the telangana separation and similarly he quoted that telangana will suffer with severe problems like lack of electricity , water, and for revenue. To day TRS President and post telangana agitation navigator is given reply answers for his questions with complete explanation and figure how the telangana will survive in telangana after separation/.