Last few Days in Parliament winter session The Opposition party BJP MP Mr Prakash Jawadekar has introduced a private Bill for separate Telanagana in Upper House of the parliament Rajya Sabha . But it is not discussed in the session and been in pending. This is not the first time 3 rd time it is put on table in rajya Sabha from BJP., But Never discussed in the House. The Democracy doesn't have any rights to discuss the private bills for the peoples of the Greatest Democratic nation. Yesterday one of surplused Party and Unidentified Party Leader Mr K.A. Paul ( Praja Shanti) had said in a press conference at Vizag along with some of the delegates of the Sudan Parliament that The central Govt must approach the Formula of the Suadan Nation which is recently conducted a referendum to conclude the cold-war in the nation and the nation is divided into Two Nations namely south and North Sudan. It is a federal republic nation it is possible ,.but in case of the India it is a democratic federal republic nation it is not possible here the MP'S.,MLA's are the deciding factors and they think that they know the each every problem and requirements of the Nation Peoples. In certain situation how can we conduct the referendum. even in setup of the sez's and the thermal projects govt collecting the information from the peoples(known as PRAJABRIPRAYAM). the information is wasted just for record purpose they will collects the information.
How the problem will be solved ?
when the MP's and MLA's are reliaze the situation?
when Telangana will become free and had the govt???????????
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